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Throw beat, song or rap competitions. Battlers can submit tracks and vote on the best in a fight for glory!

Sign up

First wave of 25 invites releasing soon


Our first exclusive Beat Battle partner is renowned producer Machinedrum. Limited invites are available to participants in COMPO_5.

How it works


Create a Battle and set up the rules, start date and appearance


Once the Battle starts, participants upload their tracks


Everyone gets to listen through and select their favourite tracks


The winners are revealed and immortalised in the Battle playlist

Get Early Access

The ability to run Battles is currently in limited Beta and is being rolled out to early partners from our waitlist. Complete the form below to apply:

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Start a Club today

Challenges are part of Endlesss Clubs, community spaces where you can hang out, share and create music.

Tag us on social media @endlesssfm and show us what’s happening in your Club for a chance to get access sooner.